

Наши люди в Испании: часть вторая

В продолжение небольшой серии публикаций, посвященной многолетнему сотрудничеству УдГУ с университетом г. Гранада, предлагаем вам посмотреть на испанский вуз глазами наших студентов, которые учатся там с сентября 2019 по программе двойного диплома.

48 Итоговая студенческая научная конференция
XLVIII Students Scientific Conference update

Once again the Udmurt State University is encouraging student community to engage in research through one of its signature events – the Student Scientific Conference held for the 48th time this year.

Granada University Delegation  1
Наши люди в Испании: часть первая

Одна из наиболее успешных и проверенных временем историй международного сотрудничества нашего университета – это дружба с испанским вузом Университетом г. Гранада. Договор был подписан в далеком 1994 году. С тех пор партнерские отношения двух вузов постоянно развиваются и укрепляются.

UdSU portal now available in Arabic

The official site of the Udmurt State University is now available in three languages: Russian, English and... Arabic.

логотип Лиги
UdSU on its way to get greener

On April 27 Rector Galina V. Merzlyakova, Vice-Rector for Research and Strategic Development Aleksandr M, Makarov, and Director of Engineering Centre Andrei G. Kovalchuk attended the online-meeting to discuss the establishment of research and education consortium “Advanced Eco-Technologies”.

Ходырев Павел Николаевич
IT-support of distance-learning

Throughout April, as students and faculty were adjusting to a different learning mode, the main news on our website and in groups in social networks has been concerned with online educational services, webinars and web-conferences. Pavel Khodyrev, the Vice-Rector for IT, E-Learning Development and Career Counselling, is answering questions about the transition UdSU is undergoing at the moment.

Кубок Ярпиара 2020 наш!
UdSU student team wins the 'Yarpiar' PR-contest

On April 23 the results of the 18th 'PR and Advertising Week on the Enisey river' (Yarpiar) festival were announced. A team of students from the UdSU Institute of Social Communication called "The Fifth Floor" has become the absolute winner of the contest which this year was held online.