

UdSU welcomes international applicants online

On June 17 the Udmurt State University opened its virtual doors to international applicants to tell them about the school strengths, its educational offer, student life, admission process and other important issues.

Все флаги в гости будут к нам!

17 июня УдГУ провел День открытых дверей для иностранных абитуриентов в уже привычном для всех онлайн-режиме.

Студенты УдГУ 3
UdSU international students win in Olympiad!

International students doing a university preparatory course at UdSU – Karim Ulfatullakh (Afghanistan) and Yussef Ibrakhim (Egypt) participated in the Olympiad organized by Kazan Federal University where they competed with students from their cohort.

Open day 17.06
UdSU invites to its Open Day on June 17!

On June 17 the Udmurt State University invites international applicants, their parents, and all those interested to join its Online Open Day!